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Written on: Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Title: The Terrier and the Hare


Alright. Back again for some blogging. Been reading some blog entries of my friends and decided to blog for myself too. I don't think I'll be writing much today since I need to go off to study again soon. Supposed to finish chem revision today. 16 more questions! Haha.

I think I'll just talk about two characters in Harry Potter that I am fond of. Perhaps they are my favourite characters. Maybe. Anyway, the male character I'd like to talk about it Ronald Bilius Weasley, best friend of Harry Potter. Generally I find him a fairly balanced person. He has humour which makes him likeable among people but he can also get fairly temperamental. Perhaps he's better now after all those years of bickering with Hermione. Anyway, he's quite loyal to his friends. As Dumbledore so rightly knew, he is an important person among the trio. He's the one who keeps them together, who keeps them talking. Harry did admit that having Hermione as a best friend was different with having Ron as your best friend (This was when Harry and Ron were having a falling out in Goblet of Fire I think). There was much less laughing. I think Ron's humour is a very important aspect in the trio's friendships. He's the one who makes them laugh. I'm thinking this is especially important towards Hermione. She doesn't have many close friends to really talk to in school. She's not very close to Lavender and Parvati. So without Ron, she'll be having far lesser laughs since there's no one else to do that job. Harry can still hang around with some other people (though admittedly his situation is fairly the same as Hermione's) but I feel that Hermione's solitude without Ron or Harry would be much greater for her as compared to Harry without Ron and Hermione. I think her insecurities that had partially led her to push herself in her subjects to be the best in them really shows how much she need friends. Without being the know-it-all, she wouldn't be known. And without being known, you wouldn't have much friends (however being known doesn't equate to friends, yes). Opps back to Ron now. Well yeah he is important in the trio. His Patronus (a Jack-Russel terrier, a breed of dog) does reflect his loyalty towards his friends. Dogs are known to be loyal I guess. Yet Ron can be the person with the towering temper. He can be seen angry in almost every book I think (like every other character) but yeah I think it really shows how balanced he is as a character. He has his good and bad points.

On to a female character then. Luna Lovegood. I'm really fascinated by her character. I can see that she is strong mentally as she does not break down when people make fun of her or take her things and of the sort. She is not shy about wearing her raddish-like earrings or being different. I guess it's just her attitude towards such things are not negative. She has a very open mind and does not see her differences as differences. She treats them as if they are normal hence she isn't affected by the attitudes of others. Yet she still treasures the friends that she have. Really, it was wonderful to read about her having the pictures of her friends put up and linked by that chain made up of the words Friends (Sorry if I've got that part of the story wrong). It really shows how much she values the friendships that she have, no matter how few friends she might have. Even though her beliefs are in contrast to that of Hermione's, she still comforts her during one of the incidents when Ron made fun of Hermione in Half-Blood Prince when they had their last and largest falling out. She is caring and remains positive at all times, even when she was captured and imprisoned in Deathly Hallows. She encourages Harry in Deathly Hallows when he was overwhelmed with negative thoughts and unable to cast his Patronus. Her Patronus is also representative of her (as Patronuses should be). She is similar to a hare which always hops around, reflecting her positive attitude. I really like Luna Lovegood as a character. A very unique girl she is.

Well, I guess that'll be all. Got to go back to studying or else I'm facing another 2 o'clock bedtime. Haha. Thoughts on Harry Potter are the main things that is keeping me going. About 1 week left to Prelims. Haha. Cyaz.

9:12 PM

Written on: Saturday, August 11, 2007
Title: The Deathly Hallows


Right. Time to get to it. Anyone who noticed the time must be thinking what I am doing so early in the morning. Studying? Hmm I wish I could say that. Well I did do SOME studying today, somewhat. Anyway came back from hospital today. Don't want to talk about it. Not here. Not now.

Moving on. It's time to discuss the Deathly Hallows. The Elder Wand, the Ressurection Stone and the Cloak of Invisibility. What would you choose? The unbeatable wand, the stone which summons the dead or the cloak that hides all. Tough. Tough. Hmm. Well, this is my blog, so let's discuss about my choice. I'd say it'd waver between the stone and the cloak.

So firstly, why not the wand? I mean its an UNBEATABLE wand. UNDEFEATABLE. NUMERO UNO. Nahz. Haha. Let's say we enter a HP-theme RPG virtual reality world where there is made-up magic in that VR world, I would just be glad of a wand. Who cares if you have an unbeatable wand. Sure you'll be unbeatable and all, but yeah, what would it achieve? As good as the wand sounds, it doesn't really give one any benefit except to ensure definite protection. Plus the ownership of a wand is such a complicated matter so how can you make sure that you are the actual owner of the wand? Haha. I'll do with a normal wand which can do the normal spells.

So why the cloak? Several reasons. Sometimes it would be just give a sense of relief to be able to hide from everyone's sight. To not be judged by your facial expression or your attire. To not be judged on looks basically. It lets your literally blend in with your surroundings, ensuring that no one notices you. A sense of escape. Maybe. It doesn't stop you from being solid. But hey. You can't have everything you want. Anyway, as Dumbledore puts it, the true magic of the cloak would be that you could conceal others with you. It's something that you can share rather than restricted to personal use. As such, its uses would be endless.

So why the stone? Well, I guess it would be sort of comforting to have your loved ones whom you have lost "return" to you. Like Dumbledore said, no spell can reawaken the dead. Even with the use of the stone, the dead still doesn't belong in this "world". Both are still seperated. Nevertheless, it would be useful if you wanted to clear any unfinished business or questions you might have wanted to ask. Then again, one must fully understand that the dead cannot truly return. Bringing them back using the stone would not make things the same as it once was. Fail to accept this and one might be driven to suicide in order to join the lost loved ones, as depicted in the story of the Tale of Three Brothers by the second brother. The dead are dead. That's it and will be it, forever it. No turning back.

Still, the cloak would be useful to sneak around places or just to hide from everybody for a moment. The stone can be used to settle any unfinished business. Well. Why would I want to use them? I have my own reasons, or maybe not. Some things are just better left unsaid. Of course, the Deathly Hallows are FICTIONAL and NON-EXISTENT. But it doesn't hurt for one to delve in the realm of wonder and creativity from time to time, as long as one does not confuse it with the real world.

Why am I driven to blog, you might wonder? Bored in the dead of night I guess. Oh well. My classmates can't access the school website because it's down for most of the evening today... or should I say yesterday? Anyway, I just hope they can still enter their CIP and PDP stuff in. I was tasked to enter for everyone but since for some reason I am unable to add participants to the activity I entered, everyone had to do it themselves. And if they can't, I'm the one to blame. Partially why I get tired of being a leader. Made me kinda phobic to being blamed. But yet the years of leadership has imbibed this sense of responsibility in me (if any), to some extent or another. I guess I just can't help being a leader. Good things come with bad things. That's just the way things are. I'VE GOT TO STUDY. STUDY STUDY STUDY! Argh. Must get that momentum back. MOMENTUM. *ding* What's that second law again? Darn. STUDY. Bye.

1:49 AM

Written on: Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Title: Disturbing the dusty cobwebs

Heyz. Finally found the strength to move that mouse and change my blogskin. Another Harry Potter skin OF COURSE. What can you expect, really? Well, Deathly Hallows has come and gone. Looking at my ancient previous post, I couldn't believe I started counting down that early on. 167 days. Haha. Wow. Well, it's been a few weeks after the release of Deathly Hallows. What can I say about it? Well I think I should hold back for a few more weeks in case anyone reading this haven't finished reading Deathly Hallows. Anyway speaking of people who haven't finished Deathly Hallows, I really hope my teacher has finished reading it. I mean come on. It's been almost THREE weeks.

Prelims are coming. Got to study. Haha. It's amazing how time flies. Day by day. Week by week. Term by term. Children look forward to growing up. But at this stage, I admit that I wish I could like repeat my teenage life. All the mistakes I've made thus far has helped me along the way in one way or another. It's something like climbing up to the edge of a cliff. At this point, one may hesitate being at the edge. Looking back, you know that the mistakes you've made while climbing up has helped you around other obstacles that you later face. Even though a part of you would want to be back down the cliff and climb it once again for another experience of it, you know that you are now at the top and you can't go back down. Looking forward, it's a large open view of the wide endless sea. It's a whole new world of water, ever-changing and full of currents. You are on the brink of leaving the firm earth foundation you've been standing for the years you've grown up. It's time to take the plunge from this simple, firm world into one's that will be dynamic and rough. In the new water at the top and you can't go back down. Looking forward, it's a large open view of the wide endless sea. It's a whole new world of water, ever-changing and full of currents. You are on the brink of leaving the firm earth foundation you've been standing for the years you've grown up. It's time to take the plunge from this simple, firm world into one's that will be dynamic and rough. In the new water world, there are times when the seas are peaceful, yet times when the storm rages on. Slowly and eventually, you'll have to take the dive. And once you do, you'll leave your firm foundation of the past, almost forever. Coz things will never be the same again, not really.

That'll be all. I'll let the cobwebs drape across the webpage again. As said in Oceans Thirteen, see you and I see you.

9:05 PM

Written on: Monday, February 05, 2007
Title: Temporary pit-stop

Heyz back again for now. Hmmm. Let's see. The most crucial, significant and important news of the year. THE SEVENTH AND FINAL INSTALLMENT OF THE HARRY POTTER SERIES, HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS WILL BE RELEASED ON 21ST JULY 2007, SATURDAY. WAHAHAHAHA. Yupz. Finally. It's here. Right smack near the preperations for A levels. Oh well. Just study a bit earlier, plan my time well and I'm sure I can make time to end off the series which got me into reading in the first place.

Hmmmm. My feelings about it? First of all, I'm excited of course. Having discovered Harry Potter through the first movie, then next was the first four books and pre-ordering Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince, of course I'm excited. Then again, it would be a sad thing since there'll be no more installments to look forward after this last one. It's the END. FINITE. BYE BYE. ADIOS. ASTA LAVISTA. Poof. Yup. It will end. My teenage life has been attached so closely to Harry Potter and it would certainly make a difference in my life without having to look forward to it anymore. No more rushing in the early mornings to line-up for the collection of a new book, spending hours reading new installment, only taking breaks for meals and bathroom and sleep. Haha. Would really miss those times. Well all good things come to an end. At least I can then re-read the entire series and finally understand and appreciate all the effort put into weaving the intricate plot and storyline made up thought up by the amazing JK Rowling. I offer my congragulations to you haha.

Anyway, there'll be the movies to look forward to. Despite having cuts in the storyline to appropriately fit the hundreds of pages into a 2 hour or so movie, it still manages to capture the essence and significance of each installment. Hopefully things will proceed and improve as they have done thus far so that when the final movie comes, it can really end the series off in a way that is deserving for a series which I believe have encouraged reading among children, including myself.

Nevertheless, there will still be other great novels to look forward to. I would just have to explore new jaunres of books and see what fits my liking. At the moment, it's usually fantasy. Haha I will still have Artemis Fowl to look forward to, though sadly once again, the next installment will be its last. Comparison between Harry Potter and Artemis Fowl. In my opinion, Harry Potter is a character who has remained virtuous throughout the series, though still experiencing the parallel situations teenagers in the real world go through. On the other hand, Artemis Fowl is a character who is a baddie gone good. It shows changes that can impact a person and how one matures through experiences in one's life. I'm not saying that either story does not have what the other offers, just that, in my opinion, they each show a particular trait more than the other does. I may be totally wrong, of course, but that is my opinion.

Well, let's get away from the realms of fictional worlds and back into present times. School is going smoothly. I'm slowly adjusting to the rigour of school life once again. Amazingly close to five weeks have already passed and frankly it only feels as though I have been in school for about three. They weren't exaggerating when they said that this year was going to be fast-paced. Soon it would be the March holidays, then the second term would arrive to deal with the ending chapters of each subject. The JCT would then be a wake-up call for many. The remainder of the third term will be spent finishing off subjects and revision. And the fourth and final term would be spent almost wholly for revision. Then it is time for the A levels and poof. Done with studies until after the next 2 years. Time sure flies. It is at this age that one might feel that growing up may not be such a prospective idea as it once was about a decade ago. Oh how things change.

Hmmmm. I think that was enough to be getting along with. More work awaits me for today. Hopefully I can turn in before 12 midnight. Rest is important after all. It's worst off to fall ill since it'll be like a day or two in suspended time before you are suddenly thrown back amongst the thick of life and its problems. Haha at least I have that feeling. Alrighty then. I'll be off again down the road of life. Cyaz.

P.S. 167 days left to the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

7:24 PM

Written on: Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Title: THE year is here

Hello. As usual, I'm back after a month or so. School has begun again and my internship has not yet completed. There's still the presentation that we need to do. Oh well. I hope we'll be able to settle that within the coming weeks or so. I will finally have a breather once it's done and over with. The lessons learned are valuable but sometimes when you have a task that's been delayed for some time, you don't feel too good about it.

Alright. I'm in second year now. Got to really pull my act together. The A levels is in just 10 months away, and 10 months isn't that long. Term 1 will be rather fast as once you're getting used to school again, it'll be soon the end of term. Term 2 would be filled with trainings and rehearsals for activities thus the late hours of such activities would eat up quite some time from the term. Term 3 will start off with the JCT and then revision. Term 4 would be the Prelims and more revision. Wow. A whole year planned out as simply as that. Oh well. What's coming will come, and I'll have to face it when it does.

Nevertheless, 2007 will still be a great year. There will be lots of things that are happening this year. At the end of this month, Windows Vista will be released. I'm looking forward to the better design. Looks more sophisticated I guess. Then in the entertainment side, there will be great movies. Spiderman-3, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and if I'm not wrong, Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End. Looking forward to them. Also, the seventh and final installment to the Harry Potter series might be released this year, though if it's happening anytime in the second half of the year, it'll be a torture for me since I've got A levels. HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS. Many interesting theories but it's quite hard for one to put a finger on it for the last title. We'll have to wait and see what the book will be about then.

There'll also be Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars released in late March. Finally, a Command & Conquer game after quite a long break. The screenshots looks great. The storyline sounds great. Everything about it seems to be great. My only worry is whether my laptop can handle the graphics needed to run the game. Haha. Once again, we'll see how it goes.

For the trading card scene, Magic: The Gathering's Planar Chaos will be release late this month too. From the preview cards shown, it looks set to be a cool and interesting set to play. A black version of Wrath of God, a red Akroma with abilities different from the white one. Once again, I hope there would be fun slivers to play with. ONWARDS FOR THE HIVE!

There'll be a PDP exhibition tomorrow. Hope all goes well. Everything seems set to go. The banner is AWESOME. The flyers have been made. All that's left is some aggresive advertising (maybe not too aggresive) and recruiting and may Bowling have more members for the upcoming and next year. Haha. Hope more will join this year. One BIG happy family.

For maple, I've FINALLY reached level 25. I can FINALLY change my armour. Hopefully I can push for the next 5 levels and FINALLY change to the 2nd job. At least it's a start to reaching the third job. A start thats is very far far far far away from the third job mind you, but still, it's a start. Looking good in my new equipment at level 25. Hopefully I would not lose interest in the equipment before reaching level 30 at least, though I doubt I can get enough money to get level 30 armour. Haha. Well, with all the horny mushrooms I'm killing now, I might actually save up enough. Haha.

Alright then. Better go. Don't expect to have a post soon haha. Unless for some reason I have a urge to update it, I just might. MIGHT. Bye.

7:55 PM

Written on: Saturday, December 02, 2006
Title: Half the battle past

Hello. Back at the moment. I'll be gone again for a camp soon so I thought I'd do the decency of updating it before I go. Let's see. I still havent started much on homework. At the moment, I've only done one comprehension. Only 1 month to go. And there's still revision to do. I'm not exactly great with the academics so I really need to patch things up. Hope I can get myself to do some work soon.

Talking about work, I joined an internship. Spent 3 weeks on it already but yet there's things we need to redo. Me along with 2 other friends are supposed to record bowlers from the Singapore Sports School so that the coaches can use a software to analyse their performance. We are also to be familiar with the software and teach the coaches on how to use it. Sounds simple enough. Haha I emphasise the word "sound". The camera we used to record them didn't have a certain function that we require. So we will have to record them again with a better camera. I hope it turns out find. While I'm out for camp, they'll be recording. I hope I can get back in time to help with the analysing we're supposed to do. With 1 week left of the internship, I hope we can finish it in time. Really need the time for homework, revision etc. If I can spend that time effectively of course.

Had bowling physical training yesterday. Wasn't that bad. Surprisingly I could actually complete the 5 rounds around the track. I didn't think I could really do it after about a month of zero excercise. Haha. Nevertheless, I still got rather dizzy after that. Lasted a bit longer than usual but nothing bad happened. So I guess it was ok. Later in the afternoon I bowled with Rodney, Qing Hui and Weixin. I'm quite impressed with Rodney. His upswing is lower compared to last time but his rev got much better. He's got a bright prospect in bowling as a career. Haha. It was just great to bowl with friends again. Forgot to warm up after the first minute or so and quickly did the necessary stretching. Had a bad experience of not warming up previously when I bowled alone. Didn't really like what I experienced so I wasn't keen for more anytime soon. I'm still aching all over but I think it will be better by the time camp starts though.

Camp. Looking forward to the bowling camp. From what I've heard, it's going to be more recreational than what I expect. Hope it will be an enjoyable camp and bond everyone together. All the best for a better and closer team next year! Haha.

I finished reading some books recently. Not Harry Potter. Not Artemis Fowl. Haha. I belive it's the Dark Elf trilogy. Many thanks to Bibi who introduced me to the series. Finally, I change from HP and Artemis Fowl. At times I do want a change but I fear that I might not like that change. But I find the setting in this book appropriate and interesting. A lot more deaths than in either of the two series I usually read. I guess this one is more adult-based. Well. I am growing older and Harry Potter is considered a children book among many *internal struggle of disagreement*. Haha. Oh well. Finished the trilogy. Looking forward to many other books of the fantasy genre. Thanks Bibi.

I guess that is enough for today. And maybe enough for the rest of the holidays. You never know though, I might update again to talk about the camp. Again I emphasise another word, "might". Haha. See you then.

7:50 PM

Written on: Saturday, November 18, 2006
Title: Day of my life

Hello again. Hmmm the internship is getting stressful since we have to calculate some concrete data for the project. I hope we can do something useful. At the moment, this coming week's action plan has been finalised. Hopefully the following weeks will go smoothly haha.

Homework. I think I should really start on SOMETHING tomorrow. ANYTHING really, as long as I can at least keep my conscience at bay for the day. The fourth week of the holidays will be starting really soon and I haven't even looked through my homework yet. I still have an idea of my workload though. Maybe I should follow Bibi's method of putting all of my work in some visible area in my house so that I can pressurise myself to do them. Presently, my mental pressure seems to be weakening haha.

Well, the second chapter of my story is finally done. But since the first chapter only consists of several paragraphs, maybe that chapter could be a prologue and the second chapter can move on to the be first. Haha. I should be more worried on whether I can complete this story unlike its unfinished predecessors. But this one is different. This one is original. Not much restrictions to adhere to. Maybe I can finish it. I hope. Haha.

Met Bibi today to install Maplestory in her laptop. Haha finally. But I forgot that she had to create an account first. No problem. That was what I thought. Apparently the popup didn't appear in her computer when we were trying to sign up hence no sign up. No sign up equals to no mapling. Oh well. At least the client is in her laptop. Once I got home again, we sorted out the sign up problem and finally made an account. Then the next problem came up. For some reason, her client couldn't open or something. Waited a while and then she could go into the programme. After logging in came the next problem. The channels didn't appear when she clicked on the server. Haiz. Oh well. Hope tomorrow things will work out find.

Oh yeah. I had an interesting find at the Sports School. There was actually a bowler there who had the same name as me. Cool. However there was just one drawback. That Azri was a girl. Well, let's just say I could never have thought that my name could be used to name a girl. Hmmm. Better not continue on this point. I think she would be aware of the uniqueness of her name already without me talking about it here.

Hmmm. And a final note. I guess at times you gain friends and you will also lose friends. I'll try to keep as many friends as possible but sometimes you just can't stop things from happening. All I can hope for is that someday and hopefully soon, we can be friends again.

11:46 PM


Name: Muhammad Azri bin Abdullah
Age: 17
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: 9 3/4 inches Redwood and Phoenix feather



To re-read Harry Potter series


Recommend cbox


- Aiysha -
- Alvin -
- Andrea -
- Bibi -
- Bing Quan -
- Chaneline -
- Choon Wei -
- Christine -
- Denise -
- Dora -
- Faizal -
- Fatin -
- Gerald -
- Hoi Shek -
- Izyan -
- Jaime -
- Jessica -
- John -
- Li Fang -
- Lydia -
- Min Sheng -
- Peng Soon -
- Qing Hui -
- Raudah -
- Rodney -
- Shing Kwan -
- Valerie -
- Xin Ling -


Mischief Managed - Harry potter soundtrack


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